Note: 80/20 is a snap-shot, a static breakdown of causes at any one time, not a movie, or changes over time. See systems thinking for behavior over time.
- What minority of (causes/inputs/efforts/insights) exert the majority of (effects/outputs/results/rewards)?
- Which vital few things are most important above the trivial many?
- Where is the predictable non-linearity or imbalance?
- Where are cause and effect not linked equally?
- Which 20% of causes produce 80% of the results?
- Is 80% of a phenomenon associated with only 20% of a related phenomenon?
- Rather than trying to address the whole range of issues, which are the most important? [crucial question for leaders]
- Focusing on results first, which are disproportionately large? Can we trace these back to the inputs?
- What are the relationships between outputs and inputs?
- When deciding where to apply mass versus economy of force, where is the situational 'center of gravity'? [This is an application of the principles of war as applied to leadership]
- How can we reallocate resources disproportionately towards the 20% of inputs that produce 80% of the results? Which of the 80% inputs can resources be taken from to increase the 20%?
- What can you do to improve the 80% of underperforming inputs that contribute only 20% of the results?
- What hypothesis about the imbalance of inputs and outputs do you have? Can we estimate this factors intuitively or impressionistically?
- How can we celebrate exceptional productivity?
- How can we be selective rather than exhaustive?
- Personally, are we doing the things we are best at and outsourcing the rest?
- How do we generate the most money with the least expenditure of assets and effort?
- How can we reduce the inequality of output and reward?
- How can we reinforce the parts of the organization (people, resources, etc.) that generate the highest results (surpluses for the organization)? [not really a kid question]
- Conversely, how can we facilitate dramatic improvements in the parts of the organization generating low or negative surpluses? If not forthcoming, stop expenditure on these resources.
- How can we isolate where we are really making profits?
- How can we simplify or reduce complexity in the organization (because complexity uses higher proportions of resources)? How can we reduce the cost of complexity?
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