- Build strong character
- Watch the examples of adults around you
- Opportunities to practice their own budding decision making.
9-11 years old
- Decide how you want to be and begin becoming that person
- Demonstrate and continue to build strong character
- Develop your talents
- Create something
- Live according to your values or principles
- Participate in a service project with a trusted adult
- Participate in Cub Scouts or Brownies
- Learn the language used by leaders
- Learn how to solve problems and make decisions
- Learn to read body language
- Learn who you trust to do what they say
- Learn about consequences of choices people make
12-13 years old
- Demonstrate and continue to build strong character
- Practice leadership opportunities
- Feedback and coaching
- Plan and carry out an activity with friends
- Set two personal goals and follow through on them for at least two months
- Participate in Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, set goals and follow through for meeting the requirements for rank advancement
- Learn advanced problem-solving and decision-making skills
- Experience the consequences of forgetting important things
- Practice problem-solving and decision-making in a group of peers and individually
- Begin to build others trust in you that you will do what you say and follow through
- Develop your talents, get good at something
- Learn what good judgment is and begin to apply it
- Learn how to communicate effectively and apply it in leadership practices
- Follow wise counsel
- Set a good example
14-15 years old
- Demonstrate and continue to build strong character
- Influence peers more than you are influenced by them
- Practice problem-solving and decision-making and talk over the results with an adult you trust
- Find opportunities to get things done with a group of people (ask an adult to help locate these opportunities)
- Talk confidently with adults
- Teach a group of peers a concept or skill for 10-20 minutes
- Learn how to delegate
- Effectively use body language to reinforce your messages
- Practice good judgment
- Practice positive, uplifting, and encouraging communication. Avoid trust-corroding sarcasm.
- Seek out and accept greater responsibilities in Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts
- Watch over younger children and uplift them
- Ensure delegated tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.
16-17 years old
- Demonstrate and continue to build strong character
- Influence peers more than you are influenced by them
- Be aware of ethical and moral dilemmas and make right choices to strengthen your character
- Stand your ground and choose not to participate if those around you choose to reject or violate correct principles or your values
- Balance confidence and humility
- Participate in at least two service projects
- Lead, or aid in leading, a service project
- Practice independent problem-solving and decision-making
- Practice delegation
- Demonstrate good judgment
- Teach peers and younger children in some form of organized activity
- Demonstrate adaptability because things rarely go according to plan
- Exercise leadership in Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts,
- Propose solutions to adult leaders in problem-solving
- Help those you lead learn to govern themselves
- Be willing to be presided over and accountable
18 - 21 years old
- Demonstrate and continue to build strong character
- Actual leadership opportunities followed by reflection and coaching
- Volunteer roles in leadership
- Journal writing about experiences
- Give a persuasive speech or talk to a group of people about a subject
- Practice independent and interdependent problem-solving and decision-making
- Become effective at delegation
- Learn how to hold people accountable for their commitments and how to talk to them when they don't follow through
- Build competence in a professional vocation
- Anticipate when emotions may fray and encourage as needed
- Know human nature and how to leverage it and counter it where necessary
- Search for correct principles and align with them
- Influence events rather than let circumstances happen.
- Make sound and timely decisions, taking advantage of fleeting windows of opportunity
- Seek opportunities to lead under trying conditions
- Learn to reason and anticipate in trying conditions
- Learn how people tend to behave differently in trying conditions
- Develop team spirit through shared hardship
- Learn how to plan in unfamiliar situations
- Counteract fear by building competence and confidence
- Give those you lead more challenges and responsibilities as you think they can handle them, give them more when they show they are ready
- Find ways to be in the presence of great people and learn from them
24+ years old
- Study leadership from the example and writings of more effective practitioners and apply what you learn
- Learn what not to do from examples of ineffective leadership around you
- Practice listening
- Build trust with your team and with sponsors or organizational leaders - it goes both ways
- Demonstrate and continue to build strong character
- Formal refresher training and application opportunities
- Paid roles in leadership
- Volunteer roles in leadership
- Ask followers to commit, and follow up to help them grow
- Ask for more responsibility
- Identify talents in others, pick a project team of complementary skills
- Help others succeed
- Look for leadership mentors, understudy your current leader
- Ask
- What is happening?
- What is not happening?
- How can I influence the action?
- Sincerely care about those you lead, commit the time and effort to know them, understand what makes them tick, and learn what is important to them
- Develop a high tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty
- Keep your team informed, and explain your decisions when conditions allow
30+ years old
- Attend Graduate school
- Teach and coach others how to lead
- Create a possible future in your mind's eye that is clear, precise, vivid, then communicate that vision enthusiastically to other people
- Validate people one-on-one
- Know yourself and seek improvement from formal institutional learning, field experience, self-development, personal study, and professional reading
- Study leadership from the example and writings of more effective practitioners and apply what you learn
- Reflect often and write in a leadership journal your lessons learned as you grow in experience and capability
- Respect people's right to choose, avoid force or intimidation
- Develop those you lead to improve organizational bench strength
- Express adequate and specific appreciation
35+ years old
- Study leadership from the example and writings of more effective practitioners and apply what you learn
- Teach others how to develop leaders
- Teach and coach others how to lead other leaders and coach them for improvement
40+ years old
- Share what you have learned about leading people with another generation
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